Wednesday, April 25, 2012


After my last post was a bit of a downer, (still an important issue I think needs to be looked at) I thought I would highlight some of the awesome things about being a mother. Like any downside there are upsides and with motherhood the upsides are pretty terrific. In no particular order:

· Smiles, the first reward for any parent. There is nothing better than seeing your little one smile.
· Looking around for me when he's being held by someone else
· Recognising my voice and turning in my direction. Usually comes with a smile too!
· Cuddles, James is just starting to throw his arms out when I hold him. It's the closest thing to a hug so far!
· The way he looks at his Dad. He just lights up when BJ is talking to him, it's really lovely to see their relationship develop.
· Knowing I can calm him down when he gets upset. All it takes is a cuddle from Mum.
· Getting compliments about him and how much he looks like me
· The face he gives me when he's trying a new food, hilarious!
· Knowing he trusts me completely
· Watching him grown from a newborn into a real little boy with his own personality
· Knowing he is my son and nothing will ever change that.


  1. I love his sweet little expression in that picture :). I wished we lived remotely close together. How fun would it be to put our two little men down on the floor to roll around together while we chatted!


  2. All of these definitely make your heart swell as a parent. Smiles would definitely be at the top of my list too.
