Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Breastfeeding Journey PAIL Post

Like a lot of first time mothers, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. I don't know whether it was because of my fertility struggles or because I had placenta previa (that required me to have a c-section) but I was determined to breastfeed at any cost. I felt like I couldn't conceive or deliver a baby without help but I was going to feed my baby, no matter what!

While I was in hospital, breastfeeding seem to come very naturally to me and I thought 'this is great I'm one of the lucky ones'. My nipples were sore but I knew this was normal with early breastfeeding. Once I was home I was consistently on the look out for early signs of mastitis but didn't even think about how sore my nipples were getting. Looking back on this time, I didn't realise the pain medication I was on, was probably blocking the extent of my nipple pain.

About a week in I felt lumps in my right breast so I immediately starting draining this breast, massaging etc. to get rid of the lumps. I even made an appointment with a lactation consultant to check it out. By the time of my appointment I had managed to get rid of the lumps before they were infected but now my right nipple had started to grow more and more painful. The lactation consultant had a look at the nipple and found a wet spot. The wet spot was a crack in the nipple which was being prevented from healing because of it location. The lactation consultant advised me to keep it dry and it would heal within a couple of weeks.

Well it took five weeks to fully heal and those five weeks were so painful a few times I thought about giving up. The pain was 'toe curling' and I dreaded every time I had to feed James. Thankfully expressing wasn't as painful, so in the end I expressed from my right breast instead of feeding directly and give James the milk from a bottle. Another couple of days of this pain and I think I would have stopped feeding. I can see how for some ladies, breastfeeding is too painful.

Four months in and I'm so glad I persevered. I now enjoy feeding James and spending this time with him.  I had originally thought I would breastfeed until James was six months, but now we are getting closer to this time, I think I will continue for another couple of months.  We are hoping to try for another baby when James turns one, so I would like to have a bit of 'time off' before we go down the TTC road again. 


  1. Oh I know how painful that can be! It also took so long for those torn areas to heal... Glad that you stuck with it, we did too!

    Lots of love to you today! xoxox

  2. Just came across your blog on the PAIL network. Thanks for sharing your breastfeeding story, I'm so glad that it is working out for you! You are doing a great job!

  3. Breastfeeding is amazing... up I never realised how hard it would be... and soooo painful sometimes !! Love to you and James xoxo

  4. Ouch, that sounds miserable - glad it's all worked out for you and James. He is a cutie!

    -Allison (via PAIL)
