Friday, February 22, 2013

Trout is here.!.

Trout is here! The past twenty-four hours have been a roller coaster of emotions and will continue to be for the next couple of weeks but our little boy made his arrival on Friday 22nd February. Patrick (we don't have a middle name because someone decided to come five weeks early) is in the NICU for now. His breathing has really improved over night and they are hoping to try and feed him some of my expressed breast milk today.

I'll make sure to keep you updated on his progress but here is a photo of our little man. I now have two sons and my family is complete! And we still don't have carpet yet!


  1. Oh my goodness! What a sweet, precious little guy!! A thousand congratulations to you all!!

    Much love! xoxox

  2. Ahhh!!!! Congratulations on your sweet little boy!!!! :) I was so thrilled to see his photo come up in my feed and thought, 'what?! no? Can't be!' but he is here! Congrats to you and your beautiful family and wishing him all the very very best in these next few days/weeks as he strengthens up and becomes ready to go home.

  3. SO cute! Congrats! He looks strong for 5 weeks early!! :) Good luck with everything!

  4. Congratulations he looks quit healthy for a newbie! Mama of two!! How exciting!

  5. He looks so handsome and even a little chubby for a premie! That's so wonderful! Congratulations!
