Sunday, July 28, 2013

Five months...

My dear Paddy

You spent the first two weeks of this month with the flu. It's so sad listening to you try and sleep with a blocked nose. I'm glad you and your brother finally don't have runny noses. It's nice not to have to wipe someone's nose every five minutes but it's also nice not to have to worry about either of you catching something off one another. 

You are starting to drool up a storm this month, around the same age as James. I'm pretty sure teeth are still a few months away (as James was eight months by the time he got his first tooth) but you have been welcomed into the world of bibs already. 

We have been experimenting with solid food this month but you are more inclined spit out the food than swallow it. I haven't been forcing solid food with you, just trying a bit of whatever I have in the fridge, steamed and puréed of course, as I'm more eager to try baby lead weaning with you. I did around 50/50, BLW and purée with James and I really think it improved his motor skills especially using a fork and spoon. 

You have finally started to roll from your back to front and visa versa. This came at such a shock to all of us, including you! It's great to see you start to move around as you begin to learn more about the world around you. Sitting up is still going well, you love to look around while sitting up, especially at your big brother. You like the and can sit for a few minutes before needing a break. You also love to grab your toys while sitting and give them a good chew. 

We are starting to have more hits than misses with your sleeping through the night so I hope you keep it up. I think we have worked out your day naps for now and most days I can coordinate your big sleep to coincide with James' sleep during the day so I can catch up on some housework or just sit in the peace and quiet for a little while. 

You are just the sweetest baby and you love cuddles with anyone. Stay sweet my little man. 

Your Mumma

Monday, July 8, 2013


Here is where James has his most of meals during the day. 

Last year it was James hanging out in his pram. 

On the floor...

Due to some technical difficulties I've missed a few days in the photo a day challenge. So to catch up here is my photo from the floor of Paddy rolling over! 

Last year the same photo day was all about James commando crawling all over the house. Here is one if the photos. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Even as a kid, I enjoyed building things with blocks. More of a Le.go kid than a Bar.bie kid. And now I get to show my boys how to make things with blocks!

Last year I was having lunch with BJ and James! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Best part of my day...

Today was special. This weekend we have the V8 Su.percars racing in town, which we attend every year. The Wednesday before the racing weekend is when the transporter trucks (which transport the different cars around the country) have a convoy through town. 

Last year we took James to see all the trucks drive through town but he wasn't too interested. This year he is obsessed with planes, trains, cars and trucks so of course we had to take him again and see all the trucks. This was the best part of my day, seeing James' face light up when he saw all the trucks. 

Last year the best part of my day was a wake up call from this precious face. 


I love to bake, something I haven't shared much on my blog. And over the past weeks I've been busy, pushing my abilities and trying new things. I've never made a pie before so I made this apple pie. 

And I've never made macaroons before so I made these passion fruit macaroons. 

And last years photo of my washing. Which is just like the Ending Story. 

Self Portrait...

Playing around with my phone with James, I got my self portrait. 

And here's mine from last year. 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Photo A Day July...

Last year I followed the Photo A Day July.

In the spirit of looking back and seeing how far we have come in the past year, I will try to get a photo every day as per the list above. I will also put the photo I posted last year as well. Should be interesting how much has changed on the past twelve months.