Monday, October 3, 2011

35 weeks...

Thirty-five weeks down four more to go!  Sometimes I can't believe how fast the time has gone and sometimes I think the 31st October is going to take forever to get here.  We both can't wait to meet our little Frostie.  October is the perfect month for Frostie to be born.  BJ's birthday is the 12th, one year ago tomorrow was our first transfer day (of our first IVF cycle) and three years ago we starting down the TTC path.  To be able to realise our dream of parenthood this month seems too good to be true. 

On a whole I've been feeling really good.  Reflux has been bad the past week, even to the point of waking me up at night but if that's all I've got to worry about, I feel pretty lucky.  The only other gripe I have this fortnight is the 'fat' jokes my parents-in-law have been throwing me.  It's getting a bit tiring trying to be pleasant when someone (especially family) calls you large, not once but twice in a week.  And "maybe you should hold off on the sweets" when they're on their eighth beer and overweight themselves.  What do you say to that?  "Thanks"????  I couldn't hold my tongue yesterday afternoon and did end up saying, "at least my stomach will deflate in a few weeks".  If anyone has some polite comebacks please let me know :)

How far along: 35 weeks
Total weight change: +8kg (17 pounds)
Maternity clothes: The majority of the time, still fitting into my workout pants :)
Stretch Marks: Not yet
Movement: More rolling and Frostie has had regular hiccups
Sleep: Sleeping well, apart from the toilet breaks
Best Moment This Past Week: Being able to say, Frostie will be here THIS MONTH!!!
Most Difficult Moment This Past Week: Reflux and rude comments :(
Belly Button In or Out: Still pretty flat
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing to mention
Symptoms: Reflux
What I'm Looking Forward To: Only fourteen days to go until I finish up at work!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that all has been going so well for you... given that I'm so far behind on commenting, you're little one may have already arrived by now :)) Looking forward to hearing your good news :)) Love to you all xoxo
