Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Introducing Trout...

Here is the first photo of our little miracle at 12w 2d. We have now recovered from the initial shock of this pregnancy and are getting excited! I think seeing him/her on the monitor looking like a little baby helped with the realization that I was pregnant again.

Trout passed all the NT testing well and is low risk. Like James we aren't interested in finding out the sex so we'll have a little surprise when they get here! My due date was confirmed as the 27th March 2013 but Dr J has recommended I have another c-section so Trout will be coming a little earlier than this.

We've started telling James about becoming a big brother, telling him the baby is in Mumma's belly and showing him the ultrasound photos. He's still too young to understand of course but I think talking and as my belly gets bigger telling him this is where the baby is, will help him when Trout makes his/her arrival. I've read about parents giving their children a baby doll to get them used to a new sibling but I don't think BJ would go for it.

In other news James starts Day Care on the 2nd October (the 1st is a public holiday in Queensland, Australia). I've been dreading him starting but it's just a fact of life I have to go back to work and I've been lucky enough to have had nearly twelve months off with him. He is such a wonderful kid and we are learning new things about him all the time. Soon he will be one and then a big brother, so like always, I'm just enjoying my time with him while he still wants hugs from me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Fathers Day...

On Sunday BJ celebrated his first Fathers Day. He is never one to make a fuss or ask for anything, but James and I got him a present for being such an awesome Father that wasn't boring socks or jocks! We spent the day together as a family at home doing light chores and watching BJ's footy team win.

I really don't know I would do without BJ. Parenting is such a two person job, I'm so thankful I have such a great partner to not only share my life and our children together but who really completes me as a person. Which sounds a bit cheesy but we are just like best friends who have ridden the highs and lows together.

Here are my two guys together at BJ's work. James is showing BJ the ropes.